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Erie Basin maintains National RC&D dues

Greg Small, Coordinator


Continue TSA Angie Palmer – Website/Social Media

Assisted with 3 mini grants $800 total for the Ohio Small Business Basics Seminars at Terra State – $500;  Huron SWCD 4th Grade Conservation Day – $250;  Ottawa SWCD Annual Meeting – $50

In 2024 SKW was operated by the Huron SWCD for 4th Grade Conservation Day, Norwalk, Ohio and Ottawa SWCD demonstrated SKW in a “breakout session” at Summer Supervisor School. SKW books were provided at each event.


Michalina Schneider, 17th President

Erie Basin maintains National RC&D dues

Greg Small, Coordinator


Continue TSA Angie Palmer – Website/Social Media

TSP, Vicki Patterson

Assisted with 3 mini grants $800 total for the Ohio Small Business Basics Seminars at Terra State – $500;  Huron SWCD 4th Grade Conservation Day – $250;  Ottawa SWCD Annual Meeting – $50

In 2023 SKW was operated by the Huron SWCD for 4th Grade Conservation Day, Norwalk, Ohio


Erie Basin maintains National RC&D dues

Greg Small, Coordinator


Continue TSA Angie Palmer – Website/Social Media

TSP, Vicki Patterson

RLF made 3 gap financing loan for total of $140,000 creating 22 jobs in Seneca and Sandusky County

Assisted with 5 mini grants $1,400 total for the Ohio Small Business Basics Seminars at Terra State – $500;  Huron SWCD 4th Grade Conservation Day – $250;  Ottawa SWCD Annual Meeting – $50; Wood SWCD Ag Venture $200; Wood Co. Fair Foundation $350; Kingwood Center Gardens $50

Memorial Total: $150 – Gary Bauer 4-H Memorial $50;  Trinity Upward Sports Don Schilling Memorial $100

In 2022 SKW was operated at The Way Public Library, Perrysburg, Ohio and at an event in Allen County, Indiana.


James Sass, 16th President

Erie Basin RC&D maintains National RC&D dues

Greg Small, Coordinator


Continue TSA Angie Palmer – Website/Social Media

TSP, Vicki Patterson

Ohio Wildlife Project – Online Outdoor Raffle

RLF made 1 gap financing loan for total of $15,000 creating 4 jobs in Huron County

Assisted with 5 mini grants $1,550 total for the Ohio Small Business Basics Seminars at Terra State – $500;  Huron SWCD 4th Grade Conservation Day – $250;  Ottawa SWCD Annual Meeting – $50;  HCDC – $250; FELC – $500.

We received a Grant from NRCS to print 10,000 additional SK Worm activity books.



Launched NEW Erie Basin RC&D Website on June 1st.

Erie Basin RC&D maintains National RC&D dues

Greg Small, Coordinator


Continue TSA Angie Palmer – Website/Social Media

Continue Program Director Mike Patterson until April 2020

Program Director Mike Patterson Passed Away April 8, 2020

TSP, Vicki Patterson

Ohio Wildlife Project

RLF made 5 gap financing loans for total of $164,000 creating 28 jobs in Ashland, Huron, Ottawa & Sandusky  Counties

Assisted with 7 mini grants $1,900 total for the Huron SWCD 4th grade Conservation Day, Ashland Area Economic, Development Council Growth Membership,  Small Business Basics Seminars (Terra State), Erie SWCD Soil Health Symposium, HCDC, Ottawa SWCD Annual Meeting and Erie-Huron SWCD Land Judging Contest

S K Worm books have been distributed to kindergarteners and third grade students in more than nine counties – Ashland, Crawford, Cuyahoga, Erie, Huron, Lorain, Lucas, Marion, Ottawa, and Sandusky. Over 45,000 to date.


Gary Bauer, 15th President

Erie Basin RC&D maintains Circle of Diamonds status and National RC&D dues

Greg Small, Coordinator


Continue TSP Angie Palmer

Continue Program Director Mike Patterson

Ohio Wildlife Project

Erie Basin hosted 1st Wildlife EXPO at Sawmill Creek in March

RLF made 7 gap financing loans for total of $271,294 creating 33 jobs in Ashland, Erie & Huron Counties

Assisted with 9 mini grants $2,100 total for Huron SWCD 4th Grade Conservation Day, Ashland Area Economic Outlook, Ohio Small Business Dev. Seminars (Terra); Franciscan Earth Literacy, Ottawa SWCD Banquet, Area I Envirothon, OFSWCD Summer Supv. Sch., OFSWCD Ohio Envirothon, HCDC Golf,  & Seneca SWCD Water Fest

SK Worm attended Huron SWCD 4th grade Cons Day, Erie Basin Wildlife EXPO, Allen & St. Joseph SWCD for events in Indiana

Operation Soil Education distributed over 42,000 books


Erie Basin RC&D maintains Circle of Diamonds status and National RC&D dues

Erie Basin RC&D helped Buckeye Hills RC&D celebrate 50 years


RLF made 6 gap financing loans for total of $86,895 creating 15 jobs in Ashland & Huron Counties

Continue TSA Angie Palmer

Continue PD Mike Patterson

Assisted with 9 mini grants $2,250 total for Terra Small Business Basic Seminars, Area I Envirothon, State Envirothon, OFSWCD Summer Supv. Sch., Huron SWCD 4th Grade Conservation Day, Ottawa SWCD Banquet, Wood SWCD Ag Venture, Seneca SWCD Water Fest, & Ashland Economic Dev

S K Worm attended Ottawa Co. SWCD and Huron SWCD 4th grade events.

USRD Grant #11 for $99,900.

Ohio Wildlife Project


Doug Weisenauer, 14th President

Erie Basin RC&D maintains Circle of Diamonds status and National RC&D dues

The Ohio Development Services Agency of Cleveland visited Erie Basin at the Ag Center to review our projects


RLF made 4 gap financing loans for total of $150,000 creating 16 jobs in Ashland, Huron & Richland County

Continue TSP Angie Palmer

Continue TSP Mike Patterson

Assisted with 5 mini grants $1800 total for Terra Small Business Basic Seminars, Area II Envirothon, Huron SWCD 4th Grade Conservation Day, Ottawa SWCD Banquet, Wood Town & Country Safety Day, Sandusky Exploring Your Backyard & Ashland Area Council

S K Worm attended Shelby Co. SWCD and Huron SWCD 4th grade events.

Ohio Wildlife Project created June 5.


Mike Patterson (TSP) developing Ohio Wildlife Project

Ohio Association helping each RC&D seek state funding

Erie Basin RC&D maintains Circle of Diamonds status and National RC&D dues


RLF made 4 gap financing loans for total of $80,000 creating 11 jobs in Erie & Ashland County

Continue TSP Angie Palmer

Continue TSP Mike Patterson

Assisted with 3 mini grants $1300 total for Terra Small Business Basic Seminars, Area I Envirothon, Fourth Grade Field Day, Ottawa SWCD Banquet, & Ashland Area Council

S K Worm traveled to Ottawa Co. SWCD at Penta Career Center,  and the Huron SWCD 4th Grade Event

After 6 years of operation, we spent $1,000 to repair him

Memorial Page created on website


4th Area Plan approved 2016-2020

James Sass, 13th President

Erie Basin RC&D maintains Circle of Diamonds status and National RC&D dues

Alaina Berry, an Ashland University Career Ready intern May thru August


RLF made 7 gap financing loans for total of $120,000 creating 11 jobs in Sandusky & Ashland County

Continue TSP Angie Palmer

Continue TSP Mike Patterson

Assisted with 4 mini grants $1550 total for Terra Small Business Basic Seminars, OFSWCD Ohio Envirothon, Fourth Grade Field Day, Huron SWCD Chase Heyman memorial fund Seneca SWCD E.A.R.T.H. Teachers Workshop, Ashland Area Council

S K Worm traveled to Ottawa Co. Fair (SWCD), the Ohio State Fair (ODNR), and Cuyahoga County Fair (Farm Bureau)

After 5 years of operation, we spent $1,000 to repair him

Launched an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign on April 1st with Mike Patterson’s (TSP) assistance