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EBRC&D Conservation Education Program

Natural resource education continues to be a big focus of Erie Basin. Erie Basin has provided financial support for conservation education projects for the past thirty years. This has been an important investment with our partners to promote sound soil, water, and wildlife conservation education in our ten county area. Recently we have experienced severe cuts in annual State and Federal. Because of these cuts, in recent years we have been unable to fund many worthwhile projects at the same levels we have in the past. In order to correct this situation we have created a Conservation Education Program to ensure a sustainable funding source for conservation education. All donations are tax deductible. If desired, contributors will be recognized in the Erie Basin RC&D annual report. Any size contribution would be greatly appreciated. Please see our donation page for more information on how you can help!

In 2024 Erie Basin awarded three mini grants/donations to nonprofit organizations to promote conservation education in the Erie Basin area. If your organization is interested in finding out more about these grant opportunities please contact our office.

Mini Grants/Donations for Conservation Education

Mini Education Grants/Donations Awarded this past year.

  • $250 to the Huron SWCD 4th grade Conservation Day.
  • $500 to theĀ  Ohio Small Business Basics Seminars (Terra State).
  • $50 Ottawa SWCD Annual Meeting