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Buckeye Hills R.C.&D. Hazard Mitigation Grant

Created the Downtown Revitalization Loan

Howard Sachs, 7th President


4th RLF grant completed

National Conference San Antonio, TX

Joyce Morehart, Ted Huss, Clara Kohlenberg

Ed & Marianne McConoughey

Malabar Farm mini grant $750.00

Back to the Wild mini grant $500.00

Continued Hazel Willis, buffer team, migrant camp, and library mini grants


Moving forward

C. Howard Meyers, 6th President

Theodore Huss, Interim President


3rd RLF grant completed

Sandusky, Seneca County

Tree Planting Program

Hazel Willis Woods $6,800.00 grant from USDA Forest Service-Ashland County

Continued library mini grants, migrant day camp, and buffer team

North Central Conference, Springfield, IL

Dick Meyers, Ed & Greg


Took over Migrant children’s day camp outreach


North Central Conference, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Ted Huss, Dick Meyers, Ed & Greg

Continued library mini grants, buffer team, RLF


Theodore Huss, 5th President

June: National meeting Ogden, Utah Janet Dell made two presentation


Rural Fire Protection Grant $2,000.00

Purchase lawnmower for Keepers House-Ottawa County Historical Society

Assisted with the Vermilion River Watershed 319 Grant $455,000.00

Citizens ambulance defibulator

Miller Farm shelter house

Library mini grants

North Central at Green Bay, Wisconsin

Chase Heyman, Dick Meyers, John Conglose

Dan Liskai, Ed & Greg


Hosted the North Central R.C.&D. Conference at Maumee Bay State Park


2nd RLF grant completed

Fiscal agent for Ohio Lake Erie Buffer Team grant $229,635.00

Continue Library mini grants

More business opportunity seminars


Sept: Greg Small full time

2nd RLF FmHA application filed

Henry Dejulia, 4th President

Outstanding Project Award from Ohio Association for RLF


Assisted with Huron River Watershed

319 grant writing $298,600

Business opportunities seminars

R.C.&D. grant writing workshop

Tree seedlings for kids

Richland County Timber Bridge completed

Started planning for the North Central Conference to be hosted by Ohio


March: Greg Small started part time

1st  5 year Area Plan approved

Received 1st NRCS $15,000.00 grant and 1st Ohio State $25,000.00 grant  for administration


Janet Dell makes two RLF presentations at National conference St Paul

1st  RLF $95,000.00 grant complete

2 Dr. Don Udell workshops completed

Mini grants to libraries

Fiscal Agent for Sandusky River Watershed

New restrooms for Monroeville Marsh Field

Assisted Crawford County Humane Society

Started selling dry hydrants


June: Ed McConoughey is  2nd Coordinator

Karen Wilhelm, 3rd President

Sept: Office moved to Norwalk from Willard


Received RLF application from Ashland County

Ed McConoughey & John Conglose attend Indiana North Central Conference – John made two presentations


March: 1st RLF application

June: closed 1st RLF loan

Stan Steury, Coordinator leaves

Nov: Ed  McConoughey is  Acting Coordinator


Dr. Don Udell hosted grant writing training

Tourism brochure completed

12 RLF applications mailed per requests

Malabar Farm Annual Meeting

Stan Steury & Janet Dell attend North Central Conference in Peoria, IL


James Leslie, 2ND President

Moving Forward -March: FmHA funded RLF

May: 6th draft of an area plan noted

Oct: 1st RLF Committee formed


Timber Bridge grant approved $40,000.00

Funding of tourism brochure

Janet Dell made presentations at National Conference in Memphis, TN