Kurt Heyman, 12th President
Erie Basin RC&D maintains Circle of Diamonds status and National RC&D dues
Applied for RBEG #10 (RLF) for $60,000
RLF made 7 gap financing loans for total of $210,000 creating 25 jobs in Sandusky & Ashland County
Continue TSP Angie Palmer, migrant camp, NRCS Outreach Grant Agreement
Assisted OEC in hosting Lake Erie Ag Stakeholders Meeting; funded by Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant of $4500
US EPA GLRI- assisted Huron SWCD with mailing and hosting and setting up
Assisted with 6 mini grants $1500 total for Ohio Envirothon, Area I & II Environthon, Fourth Grade Field Day, E.A.R.T.H. Teachers Workshop & Summer Supervisors School
Attended Erie SWCD 60th Annual Meeting on 9/9/2013
Attended Ottawa SWCD 52nd Annual Meeting 9/25/2013
S K Worm continued it’s travels