April: evicted-Moving backwards-lost Federal funding
Carl Watt, 11th President
April: Coordinator Mike Patterson Reassigned to other duties and Greg becomes Council Assistant
October 29th –20th Anniversary Living out of Boxes
Erie Basin RC&D maintains Circle of Diamonds status and National RC&D dues
USDA Rural Development awarded RBEG #9 (RLF)
Closed RLF loan is Sandusky County for $185,000 on Dec 5th which will use all of #9 funds
Time Warner Cable Grant for $2500 to rent SK Worm
Continue TSP Angie Palmer, migrant camp, NRCS Outreach Grant Agreement
North Central Conference, Steven Point, WI.
Joyce Morehart, Kurt & Sue Heyman,
Jerry & Pat Yeater, John Schaeffer & Ted Huss
Erie Basin Net Worth = $888,891