Home | 2016


Mike Patterson (TSP) developing Ohio Wildlife Project

Ohio Association helping each RC&D seek state funding

Erie Basin RC&D maintains Circle of Diamonds status and National RC&D dues


RLF made 4 gap financing loans for total of $80,000 creating 11 jobs in Erie & Ashland County

Continue TSP Angie Palmer

Continue TSP Mike Patterson

Assisted with 3 mini grants $1300 total for Terra Small Business Basic Seminars, Area I Envirothon, Fourth Grade Field Day, Ottawa SWCD Banquet, & Ashland Area Council

S K Worm traveled to Ottawa Co. SWCD at Penta Career Center,  and the Huron SWCD 4th Grade Event

After 6 years of operation, we spent $1,000 to repair him

Memorial Page created on website