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Erie Basin RC&D maintains Circle of Diamonds status and National RC&D dues


USDA Rural Development awarded RBEG #9 (RLF) for $99,999 to help fund RLF loan #36

RLF made 3 loans for total of $268,000 creating 16 jobs

Continue TSP Angie Palmer, migrant camp, NRCS Outreach Grant Agreement

Assisted OEC in hosting Lake Erie Ag Stakeholders Meeting; funded by Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant of $4500

US EPA GLRI- assisted Huron SWCD with mailing and hosting and setting up two Cover Crop meetings. Received $467

Made $247 match grant to Bellevue Public Library for obtaining grant research books

Assisted with 3 mini grants $750 total for Ohio Envirothon, Fourth Grade Field Day & Back to the Wild

S K Worm continued it’s travels