This section is dedicated to our past Council Members and past Coordinators:
The following statement was made by anthropologist Margaret Mead
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the World. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”
Council Members:
Ottawa County
A Theodore Huss memorial has been established through several donations made to the Erie Basin RC&D Council. “We are saddened by the loss of our Past President and incumbent Secretary/Treasurer Ted Huss. He was one of our original 1991, Council Members and a longtime friend. He helped sustain our organization. His presence will be greatly missed. A total of $130 was collected in 2016 in honor of Theodore.
Erie County
A John Schaeffer Memorial has been established through several donations made to the Erie Basin RC&D Council. John was one of our original Council Members and attended meetings from 1991 to the September 2017 (26th) Annual Meeting. He was deeply committed to the Council and its Service area. He was passionate about the preservation of local history. While traveling with John to the Ohio Association of RC&D meetings in Delaware County, it was great to hear about historic landmarks and significant stories of the past. He was also a strong promoter of recycling. He helped sustain our organization and will be greatly missed. A total of $145 was collected from 2018-2021 in honor of John.
Huron County
A Chase Heyman memorial has been established through several donations made to the Erie Basin RC&D Council. Chase served as Trustee from 2006 to 2015. He like the idea of Commissioners, SWCD Supervisors, and interested Citizens working together to improve our area of service. He was proud of Erie Basin’s Revolving Loan Fund that made it sustainable. He certainly enjoyed visiting other Area Counties and RC&D Conferences to better understand them. He represented the Council at the 2000 North Central RC&D conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin and the 2005 North Central RC&D conference in Des Moines, Iowa. A total of $50 was collected in 2020 in honor of Chase.
Past Coordinators:
Erie Basin Friend & Coordinator, Mike Patterson
Michael worked for 32 years (2007 – 2011 as Erie Basin Coordinator) for the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. He served the Lord in ministry to children and their families at St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo as the clown, Dr. IC Giggles, as well as a youth sponsor. In retirement he enjoyed working with the Erie Basin Resource Conservation and Development Council as Program Director. He was “passionate” about doing the good work of the Council, including soil conservation education – promoting our Children’s Books & S K Worm and The Ohio Wildlife Project. A total of $1,277 was collected from 2020-2022 in honor of Mike.
Click the link below to read the wonderful tribute article on Mike!